When my sister in- law, Julia, first sent me photos of their new home, I had to hold my eyeballs. The gorgeous 1906 brick home in the city abounds with character and original detail. Just look at the entryway that greeted me on my first visit.
I mean…?
But there was something wrong, not because the house was incomplete but because I know my people. If you caught the post I did about the powder room re-do for this same project, you will recall that Julia is no basic B. If you missed it, catch up here.
After a few emails and convos about a game plan for the styling of the new digs we figured out what was missing.
To quote the hardest working man in show business: “…whatever it is, it’s got to be funky. Make it funky!”
A less imaginative custodian of such a majestic property might be tempted to treat it like a time portal in which the last 120 years of style, design and good sense never occurred.

But my girl is all imagination! She will argue with me, but she really didn’t need much help. The girl knows herself. When I was finally able to make the trip she already gotten to work funking it up. 🙂 Just look what she did to this perfectly beautiful (boring) entry pendant.

the rugs
One of the standout investments in this project is the awesome rug selection used throughout the house to add color and character. There is plenty of Ikea and thrifted items but this family knows the value of quality rugs and decided to go for it in this one area. My Brother- in- law, Justin, owns and operates a cleaning and restoration business and knows a nerdy amount about fibers and weaves and all things floor coverings. (I admit I am also slightly obsessed with this topic.) Just check out some of the gorgeous rugs that made the cut in the house that rugs built!

The diy
I brought along my sewing machine just in case. I’m glad I did because when we spotted these cool chairs at The Future Antiques with no cushions, I officially had myself a project. Score!

Some more snaps
Finally, here’s a few more peeks at some of the finished areas. Understandably, the house will be an ongoing project for some time but we managed to square away most of the main living areas and develop game plans for the upstairs.

The living room is a cool mix of Mid- Century vintage, pops of rainbow, neutral white and on-trend acrylic and personal knickknacks.
Thanks to the posse for letting me get my hands on your amazing new home!
And thanks to you for taking a look.
If you want to get going on a project of your own, email me and let’s make some magic!